Thursday, August 19, 2010

Test run to SBI

In preparation for our SA adventure we tested our new and spiffy GPS SPOT device. The trip began at Ventura Harbor on the early Monday morning of Aug. 16th were we made the channel crossing with Island Packers. After a 4 hr boat ride we arrived at the foggy, yet ruggedly beautiful Santa Barbara Island. Greeted by barking sea lions and screeching seagulls. We huffed and sweated all our gear + extra supplies up a steep incline. For two days we worked hard alongside park service and non-profit volunteers to build a foundation for the upcoming native plant nursery. Aside from working in the tough shrink-swell, extremely clay rich Vertisol soil, we hiked the perimeter of the square mile Island in search for native plant seed to collect for future native plant propagation. This trip was the perfect opportunity to acquaint ourselves with our SPOT GPS (as well as building muscles and working on our tans), which we are very thankful to have for our SA adventure.

Santa Barbara Island

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