Thursday, September 23, 2010

El Paro - The Strike

Sept 21 and 22 the Campesinos, or rural community outside of Cuzco city, initiated a strike that sought to reclaim water that was being diverted from their farms and to the neighboring state Arequipa. Arequipa's development is supposedly out of control (a local Cuzco source told the ivankk press), and they do not manage their resources effectively or efficiently. The strike prevented any vehicle from leaving outside Cuzco's city limits, as well as enter the city. Consequently taking the train to Machu Picchu was impossible for the unlucky tourists, as well as the exhausted ones who wished to return. For us, we were unable to visit several Inca and pre-Inca archaeological sites outside of the city. However, we did witness the large protest in the central Plaza de Armas, that constituted people of every class, profession, age, and enthusiasm. Propaganda posters wished death upon politicians, title to water, popular slogans, and popcorn or ice cream for sale. The plaza transformed with the 4,000+ people chanting, blowing up fireworks, yelling into bullhorns, and selling their ice cream or popcorn. The energy was positive, but neared desperation since their water source could possibly run dry. Though the strike was a protest against the neighboring state of Arequipa, it was interesting to see that Cuzco seemed to be the only place affected by it. Attention was certainly brought front and center to the issue, but we didn't see any Arequipa citizens discomforted or blockaded...

To pass the the time in the city, we walked all over the historical district and even spent some time in the famed Museo de Inca. Our really friendly tour guide Alfredo (who barely reached Ivan's rib cage) did a great job of enlivening the ceramic artifacts, bones, murals, mummies, maps, dates, and rich history. We even taught him some English to help him out on future tours.

Another thing we did in the city was attend a traditional dance at the Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo. The costumes were beautiful and complimented the colorful movements of the dancers. At the end the band played a song and invited everyone on stage. Ivan did not participate.

Though the strike delayed some of our day trips, it certainly hasn't put a damper on our adventures. We are leaving our mark on this historic city, but taking much more with us.

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